The Vampire Diaries Wiki
The Vampire Diaries Wiki

This category will be used to list any supernatural species in The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Legacies, and Novels. Individual categories will only be used exclusively for the main supernatural species while this category will be supplemented for other introduced supernaturals.


Television Show

  • Arachnae: Giant spider-like supernatural beings that can wear the skin of its victims.
  • Argus: A giant, misshapen, and monstrous entity covered in a hundred eyes. Information surrounding this creature remains unknown, but has several similarities with Argus Panoptes of Greek mythology.
  • Augustine Vampires: Artificially created sub-species of vampires-turned-cannibalistic ripper with an insatiable, ravenous hunger for the blood of other vampires.
  • Banshees: Legend says that a banshee is a demon drawn to inconsolable grief. That they seek out women who've died of a broken heart and possess them. According to Irish mythology, the banshee is a harbinger. Whenever they appear, death is not far behind.
  • Berbalangs: Inhuman looking beings that are described to have red necrotic eyes, insatiable appetite for dead flesh and are able to interact with the astral plane. Their bite is highly infectious as they are like living viruses, able to replicate themselves through physical contact. Those that are bit by one are eventually turned into one unless they are stabbed in the heart with an enchanted pearl-bladed weapon.
  • Croatoan: A supernatural being with a looming, shadowing silhouette and dangerously sharp beak-like nose that hunts what lies beneath - the truth. The human-like appearance is a mere ruse, as it is a puckered mass of tentacles abound, twisting and thrashing in each direction. The croatoan also has acid-like saliva, so lethal and overwhelming, it dissolves the remains of victims until nothing is left. It requires the magic of a powerful witch - who has nothing to hide - to summon the creature.
  • Cherufes: A large, brutish, humanoid creature that appears to be composed of rocks and magma. Its arms derive into jagged points, almost claw-like. Water spells seem ineffectively against this creature and it has capabilities to melt steel nearly instantaneously. Its weaknesses are unknown, though Malivore made one using a human host. When Blake died, so did the cherfue.
  • Cyclops: A large, brutish nocturnal creature with a single eye and incredible strength and terrible odor. They are presumably akin to Trolls as there is a "surprising amount of overlap" between the two species. It remains unknown if trolls exist.
  • Doppelgängers: Supernatural occurrences that were created by Nature as a result of the creation of true immortals as a means to maintain the balance that all things must die.
  • Dragons: Terrifying monsters with the ability to transform into winged-beasts with unmatched power. They are capable of breathing fire in both their human and dragon forms.
  • Dryads: Gentle living tree spirits that once lived among humans and are attuned with Nature.
  • Dybbuks: They are parasitic spirits of Jewish folklore that imbues its host with supernatural strength. Killing a dybbuk is relatively easy, though. All one must do is kill the host. Those taken possession by the spirit will take on a monstrous, grotesque, and misshapen form with one arm abnormally larger than the other. Drawing the spirit from the host leaves the body "porous", resulting in drastic blood loss if not healed.
  • Enhanced Original Vampire: An Original vampire with enhanced features over the original creation. The only one, Alaric, was purified and reverted back into a human.
  • Erote: Collectively known as the Erotes, lore dictates that they are a group of winged gods representing the multiple dimensions of love and desire. According to some texts, they were infallible, and all mortals were said to worship them for their ability to share the divine power of love.
  • Evolved Werewolves: Werewolves specifically of the Crescent Wolf Pack that participated in the Unification Ceremony and gained additional abilities over that of traditional werewolves; notably, control of their transformation.
  • Fairies: A magical species whose power is dependent on the belief of others. They can produce wings, seemingly with the ability to fly, and shoot fairy dust. They are a weakness to qareens.
  • Gargoyles: Towering statue and stone-like supernatural being with wings and claws that secrete a paralytic toxin.
  • Ghosts: Souls of deceased supernatural beings that could, under certain circumstances, appear as a visible manifestation to the living, and in even rarer circumstances, physically interact with the living world.
  • Gods: Otherwise divine beings, they're worshiped across a dozen or more cultures, however, they're separated from humans because they possess magic. Gods are only as powerful as people's belief in them, which had diminished over the years. Specifically after the creation of Malivore Ken tasked Jen with protecting them, sleeping in sarcophagi until his destruction.
  • Golems: A mud creature created from black magic. The first golem, Malivore, is capable of consuming supernaturals and humans into itself, a dark hell-like dimension designed to cleanse the earth of "monsters" and wipe their existence from the collective conscience. Malivore created his own beings, imperfect and powerless golems, that resemble humans but cannot continue his legacy.
  • Gorgons: Supernatural beings that can turn their hair into snakes and petrify humans.
  • The Green Knight: Described by Nimue as a “true monster”, he was once noble but his body and soul was corrupted by power and became unworthy to wield Excalibur. He thirsts for more, making him a scourge upon mankind. Nimue placed a curse on him eons ago so that as he approached Excalibur, he would move slower, yet in time he would eventually reach the sword. The last time the Green Knight wielded Excalibur, Camelot fell and the Dark Ages began.
  • Gremlins: An inhuman-looking supernatural creature that feeds off disrespect. Their voice mimicry helps to cause discord between people and, as it feeds, it molts and grows into a large, grotesque monster becoming more dangerous to those around it. Genuine respect, however, is its weakness which causes them to grow weak and shrink in physical size.
  • Headless Horseman: A supernatural being that carries around his severed head but functions otherwise normally. He's seemingly highly resistant to magic and carries around a spinal column that functions as a whip.
  • Hybrids: Cross-breeds of two or more different supernatural species; such as werewolf-vampire, siphoner witch-vampire, witch-werewolf, and witch-werewolf-vampire hybrids.
  • Immortals: Truly immortal supernatural beings that cannot be killed by any conventional weapon.
  • Jinni: Supernatural wish-granting beings that are born into 500 years of servitude.
  • Krampus: An inhuman-looking supernatural being described as anti-Santa. He is a monster that brings snow and ice and seeks out hatred and anger. He can also attack his targets with an extremely long, whip-like tongue or his bony, claw-like hands. He also carries around a small scythe and has the ability to turn into smoke to escape.
  • Leprechaun: An inhuman-looking, little supernatural being whose powers include being attracted to and attracting wealth, as well as having super speed and the ability to produce rainbows. Their mere presence will entice humans into spending indiscriminately. They consume the wealth they find within their stomach. They speak an unknown language that even a witch's translation spell will not help with.
  • Nimue, the Lady of the Lake: A supernatural being that is the protector of Excalibur, the enchanted blade of kings. She guards the blade from a true monster, the Green Knight, that is magically bound to her by the sword's power. She seeks out the sword to take it to the protected isle of Avalon.
  • Mer-Man: A large supernatural aquatic being with enhanced strength and super speed.
  • Mediums: Humans who gain the supernatural ability to communicate with deceased beings on the Other Side as a result of being resurrected from a non-supernatural death.
  • Minotaur: A large supernatural bull-like creature with great strength. It travels with the Keeper and seemingly trapped within the Labyrinth during its creation as a means to punish a maiden who refused a sorcerer's affections.
  • Mummy: A supernatural being with a cursed scarab that imparts the ability to resurrect and to create plagues.
  • Oneiroi: Large, black-winged shapeshifting dream "demons". They are presumably akin to Night Hags, but the existence of such a creature remains unknown.
  • Oni: A supernatural "demon-ghost-monster," as described by Josie, that can possess people through touch, either through voluntary or involuntary action. Once inhabiting a host, it makes them act crazy. However, those with a "broken mind" makes it harder for the oni to control its host.
  • Original Vampires: The first generation of extremely powerful vampires created through magic and the progenitors of a vampire bloodline.
  • Phoenixes: A supernatural being that resurrects upon death in a burst of fire. Much remains unknown about this species.
  • Protoclown: A clown effigy-turned-supernatural being by an Egyptian witch. It was born of fire and brought to life to punish the villagers for taking her away from her home. Its bite is poisonous, making those infected forced to contront the memories of the worst things they'd ever done, so that they could be redeemed, or die by being stubborn.
  • Psychics: Subset of humans, though classified as a supernatural species, that exhibit the ability to read, manipulate and/or control the minds of others.
  • Psychopomps: They are creatures capable of traversing dimensional planes. A notable psychopomp from Greek myth is Charon, the Ferryman. Pay his bounty, and he will carry your soul across the River Styx. Cleo Sowande created a golem in his likeness.
  • Pukwudgies: Large woodland sprites from Native American lore. They can appear and disappear at will, teleport short distances, and, can "phase", a form of intangibility. These creature resemble a porcupine from the back though can walk upright. Lizzie explains that their powers are finite and tied to their lifespan. The more one phases, the quicker it dies.
  • Qareen: An Arabian monster that whispers insecurities and feeds off the discord and strife it creates. As they become stronger and affect more people, they are able to materializes into the mortal plane.
  • Santa Claus: Purveyor of Christmas and associated magic and belief, he rewards good boys and girls, while seeking out peace and joy. He possesses great supernatural speed, to which he attributes to making it to all the houses around the world in a single night.
  • Shadow Men/Creatures: Skeletal-like supernatural beings with unknown abilities though they possess numerous sharp teeth and shrunken eyes.
  • Shunka Warakin: A supernatural being of Ioway Native American legend that is a large carnivorous creature with huge claws that feeds only on werewolves.
  • Siphoners: A subsection of witches born without the ability to generate their own magic but do possess a rare power that allows them to siphon magic from other sources and use that magic for their own purposes.
  • Sirens: Supernatural beings who were originally psychic, but through a deal made with Arcadius they were given immortality, youth, and beautiful. Their deal was dependent on sending Arcadius souls in exchange for their immortality and his willingness to send their souls back should they “die” while their beauty was dependent on the feeding of human flesh.
  • Slug: A supernatural creature that can replicate itself within its host, make their hosts susceptible to suggestion, and then finally kill said host.
  • Sphinxes: A supernatural being capable of divining future events.
  • Spirits: The souls of deceased beings that have passed on to find peace in the Bright World, the ultimate destination for the dead, or were previously sent to Hell before its destruction. It remains unknown what happened to the souls that were contained in Hell after its destruction with Hellfire. Some spirits can continue to linger, however, in the Space In-between or Spectral Plane.
  • Sprites: A magical species that are cousins of the Faerie Folk, much of the lore surrounding them remains unexplored. Sprites, however, possess a powerful form of suggestion that instinctively causes humans and other supernatural beings to believe whatever they tell them.
  • Supernatural Hunters: Supernatural Hunters and Huntresses that were originally humans who are endowed with supernatural abilities to hunt and kill vampires through magical means.
  • Travelers: A once powerful, but cursed sub-culture of nomadic witches that excelled in possession and were obsessed with 'anti' or purification of magic.
  • Upgraded Original Vampire: An Original vampire created by reverse-engineering the Immortality Spell that created the Originals with the addition of a lethal venom, scientifically altered werewolf venom, capable of killing Original vampires and their prodigies.
  • Unicorns: A mysterious supernatural horse-like being with a single horn on its head.
  • Vampires: Magically reanimated human corpses which are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person and who closely resemble the living human they were before their transformation. They feed and survive on the blood of the living, typically on that of humans, and they can also transform other humans into more of their kind by sharing their blood with them.
  • Wendigos: Large, gauntly, skeletal beasts with an ashen complexion, fur, and antlers. Their eyes are pushed back deep into their sockets. Their eyes, mouth and skeletal chests, where their hearts are located, glow a dim blue. Specifically, their hearts are made of ice and considered their greatest weakness. They can be stopped by removing the heart and melting it with fire; however, this will not kill them, but greatly weaken them to the point where they'll try to snag an easy meal by taking human form with speech capabilities. They possess incredible strength with a powerful jaw for attacking. Wounds from a wendigo will not heal until the wendigo is destroyed by incineration.
  • Werewolves: Cursed by a witch, they are supernatural shapeshifting species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome, and extremely hostile wolves on the night of the full moon.
  • Witches: Supernatural beings who are born with the power to affect change with witchcraft. They are known as "Architects of the Supernatural" and "Servants of Nature" as the majority of witches believe in honoring and maintaining the balance of Nature.
  • Zombies: Coined by Penelope Park, "zombies" are a unique classification of supernatural beings that are humans that have been reanimated by the Necromancer using necromancy. These beings are essentially walking corpses that lack all but basic instincts and are used to do the Necromancer's bidding. While the Necromancer has resurrected other supernatural beings in otherwise perfect health, they've not specifically been referred to as a zombie, though the Necromancer has complete control over the reanimated person's faculties.

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